IMS (Integrated Manufacturing Systems)

IMS (Integrated Manufacturing Systems) enables companies to make real-time decisions that will increase profitability by interactively engaging existing systems and processes to improve operational matrices.

IMS (Integrated Manufacturing Systems)

IMS (Integrated Manufacturing Systems) is an intelligent performance management solution application designed to help your company maximize manufacturing efficiencies by automating collection, analysis, and flow of real-time data as a basis for better decision making and optimizing operational resources visually. The OEE results (in %), can be regarded as a preview of the existing production efficiency of a particular line, cell or machine.

IMS captures data directly from production machinery and analyzes critical production information and then makes the information visually available in real-time throughout the enterprises via website.

IMS - a tool designed to simplify and improve operational performance, IMS solutions are based on a combination of intelligent software and integrated hardware. IMS enables end-to-end connectivity plant floor equipment, management consoles, and wireless devices. Our connectivity extends visibility across a single or multi-plant environment enabling access to accurate real-time information.

This event driven approach facilitates real-time decision making which contributes to improved operational performance and efficiency.

Overall Equipment Efficiencies (OEE)

IMS (Integrated Manufacturing Solutions) helps to increase Manufacturing productivity and profit potential, enabling predictive and preventative maintenance as well as optimizing scheduled downtimes and reducing losses, stoppages, scrap and rework.


"A real-time integrated software solution for manufacturing enterprises"

Designed by pulp & fiber